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Industrial Switch

Industrial Switch
Model: RG-NIS3100-8GT2SFP-HP
Highlight Features Three Different Models Meet Various Business Scenario Needs Unique Industrial Design Ensures Stable Operation in -40? to 80? 8 KV Protection: The Shield Against Voltage Spike IP40 Against 1mm Intruders in Dusty Conditions ERPS Plug-and-Play, without Complicated Configuratio..
product.price_for_retailer 458.70€ product.tax_for_retailer 545.85€ product.special_for_retailer 458.70€ product.price_without_tax 458.70€ product.price_inc_tax 545.85€ product.special 545.85€ is_retailer 1 product.is_retailer product.price 321.10€ text_product_quantity product.text_product_quantity >>> >>>
458.70€ (545.85€ Inc. VAT)
Model: RG-NIS3100-4GT2SFP-HP
Highlight Features Three Different Models Meet Various Business Scenario Needs Unique Industrial Design Ensures Stable Operation in -40? to 80? 8 KV Protection: The Shield Against Voltage Spike IP40 Against 1mm Intruders in Dusty Conditions ERPS Plug-and-Play, without Complicated Configuratio..
product.price_for_retailer 331.00€ product.tax_for_retailer 393.89€ product.special_for_retailer 331.00€ product.price_without_tax 331.00€ product.price_inc_tax 393.89€ product.special 393.89€ is_retailer 1 product.is_retailer product.price 231.70€ text_product_quantity product.text_product_quantity >>> >>>
331.00€ (393.89€ Inc. VAT)
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 (1 Pages)
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