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RF Elements Accessories
Model: NB-LOCO-M
NanoBracket for locoM offers a 3-axis positioning system based on the 4th generation of our patent-pending ball hinge. NanoBracket for locoM enables precise and easy adjustment of the CPE in azimuth, elevation and rotation to eliminate a potential missmatch loss and to achieve the best RF performanc..
product.price_for_retailer 7.40€ product.tax_for_retailer 8.81€ product.special_for_retailer 7.40€ product.price_without_tax 7.40€ product.price_inc_tax 8.81€ product.special 8.81€ is_retailer 1 product.is_retailer product.price 5.20€ text_product_quantity product.text_product_quantity >>> >>>
7.40€ (8.81€ Inc. VAT)
Model: NB-NSM
NanoBracket for NSM offers a 3-axis positioning system based on the 4th generation of patent-pending ball hinge. NanoBracket for NSM enables precise and easy adjustment of the CPE in azimuth, elevation and rotation to eliminate a potential missmatch loss and to achieve the best RF performance of the..
product.price_for_retailer 8.88€ product.tax_for_retailer 10.57€ product.special_for_retailer 8.88€ product.price_without_tax 8.88€ product.price_inc_tax 10.57€ product.special 10.57€ is_retailer 1 product.is_retailer product.price 6.24€ text_product_quantity product.text_product_quantity >>> >>>
8.88€ (10.57€ Inc. VAT)
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